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Jersey War Tours started in 2012 with a little website and Facebook page Phil made called "Traces of War Jersey" Its only aim was to share photos and information from the WWII Occupation of Jersey. From there we have developed it into a small operation capable of funding our ongoing research, projects and most importantly the sharing of less-known stories. It is our ambition to research, educate and maintain the history of the Second World War Occupation of the Channel Islands and protect it for future generations
Jersey War Tours is Registered with the Jersey Financial Services Commission as a Non-Profit Organisation - NPO1207

Philip Marett
Living in Jersey and being part of a very old Jersey Family, Phil was never far away from bunkers and stories from the war. Phil’s Great Grandfather served in the Royal Militia of the Island of Jersey during the First World War, and he and Phil’s Grandparents remained on the Island during the WW2 Occupation by the Germans. Phil’s father, David, inspired his interest in photography and after finishing college, he started work in the photography industry. After years of learning about cameras and film development, Phil changed direction and began working in Finance. This change did not stop his love of photography, which became more and more focused on Jersey’s Military heritage. After finding nothing online about the WWII sites in Jersey that Phil was documenting, Phil started a Facebook page and a website to share his research work, with a few friends joining and sharing. Soon this page and website grew into something much bigger, Kimberley joined the operation, and the two of them created Jersey War Tours. When not in a bunker or researching, Phil can be found spending time with his wife Sarah and their children Toby and Holly.

Kimberley Bichard
Kimberley’s passion for History started at a very young age. Her grandad fought in the Second World War, and she would take any opportunity to ask him questions. Like many people of that generation he was not very talkative, this only added to Kimberley’s curiosity. Kimberley studied history throughout her education, specifically focusing on WWII and Operation Overlord for her A Levels. “Growing up in Jersey you are surrounded by such a rich history you tend to take it for granted”. Kimberley was given her Grandad's war medals many years after he passed, she began to research them and reached out to Phil for a bit of extra help. Kimberley’s passion for history and specifically WWII was reignited and with this she began to help Phil with his research of Jersey specifically the Occupation of the Channel Islands and with that Jersey War Tours was born!
Luke Bichard
Luke first became interested in the second world war through a combination of documentaries on the discovery and history channels as well as through films (such as Enemy at the Gates and Saving Private Ryan) and Video games (Such as Call of Duty World at war and the early medal of honour games). Throughout his adult life, he has taken an interest in photography and videography as well as a professional interest in the technology sector. Being the husband of Kimberley means that Jersey War Tours and the history of Jersey’s occupation have never been too far away.